We are pleased to announce that the Crypto.com App has launched the Target Price Orders feature, giving you greater control over your trades when you buy or sell crypto at your desired price. The list of available markets can be found here.
What is a Target Price Order?
It is an order request which allows you to specify your preferred price for executing a buy or sell order. The trade will only be executed if the market price reaches your target price. Thus, setting a target price allows you to buy at a lower price or sell at a higher price than the current market price. As Target Price Orders are automated, you don’t have to watch the market around the clock or worry about missing an opportunity.
How it Works
Only crypto-to-crypto trades are eligible for Target Price Orders. When a Target Price Order is placed, we will immediately lock the respective funding amount for Target Buy Orders, or the respective crypto asset to be sold for Target Sell Orders. The funds or crypto assets cannot be used elsewhere in the App after the order is placed.
A Target Price Order does not have an expiry date and will remain open until the market price reaches the target price, or when you manually cancel the order. Once the order is cancelled, the crypto assets will be immediately unlocked. No cancellations are allowed for orders that have already been executed.
How to place Target Price Orders in the Crypto.com App?
Go to Target Price via the Super App Menu. Here, you may submit a Target Buy Order, Target Sell Order, view any open orders, or see your order history.
- You can have a maximum of ten open Target Price Orders at a time.
- Each Target Price Order has a maximum notional limit of US$5,000.
Placing a Target Buy Order

- Under Open Orders, tap Buy.
- Select a cryptocurrency you would like to purchase and enter the target price you would like to purchase at. The target price entered should be a cryptocurrency amount that is available in your Crypto Wallet, lower than the market price at that time, and within the order limit.
- Tap Confirm and enter your passcode to place your order.
Placing a Target Sell Order

- Under Open Orders, tap Sell.
- Select a cryptocurrency you would like to sell and enter the target price you would like to sell at. The target price entered should be the cryptocurrency that is available in your Crypto Wallet, higher than the market price at that time, and within the order limit.
- Tap Confirm and enter your passcode to place your order.
Your order will only be executed if the market price reaches your set target price. It is recommended that you review your open limit orders regularly to keep up with the ever-changing market conditions.
Launch the Crypto.com App or visit our Help Centre for more information about the feature.